Lay down and Sleep

This morning I read Psalm 3 as part of my year-long reading extravaganza. I’m a little bit behind, but there is no guilt and shame here!

A few quick thoughts were surrounding my mind and movements in life the past few days that were bringing a bit of unrest and question. Not necessarily bad unrest or bad question, but the kind that sit in your mind and heart, brining a heaviness to each step.

I’ve read Psalm 3 many times before and usually bypass the phrase “lay down and sleep” in verse 5. It’s never made sense to me, never seemed too important, maybe just line filler for a song. This morning a new idea crept into play: what if this phrase is about believing?

I’ve recently hand a conversation where we discussed  the idea that we need to believe the Father, believe that he loves us and that I’m always in his good pleasure. I am unable to lay down and sleep because I struggle with believing his love for me, his goodness toward me, the truth that I walk in the goodness of the Father.

The rest of believing.

Vac-ca-tion (the unwind)

In life that was breathed out for us was to work your ass off and rest one day a week. I mean rest, don’t work a little and call it a day off. That’s just messed up western thinking!

—a change from 3rd to 1st person—

I have been working my ass off for the past year, virtually with little to no rest. Rest sounds like a novel idea, but the style of business I’m in, there isn’t much time for rest or a day off. So now as I’m sitting on this plane at 34k feet awaiting to moment when I touch down in some far-away, no wifi connected place, I’m all of a sudden contemplating the idea of rest. Maybe rest should be properly labeled ‘sabbath’.

At the moment I’m not totally sure what to think of this concept called rest or sabbath. I suppose I have the next 10 days to figure it out and live in for a few days.

Rest. Hmm..

Some extra thoughts as I try to explore this a bit more:

A body in motion stays in motion. I’m nervous to stop, fearing that if I stop, it will be more difficult to start again. Dumb I know, but it’s a on my mind.

I don’t know how to rest, I’m always in a work mindset and I don’t know how to let that go for a few days, it’s almost like the fear of the unknown. Dumb know.

I simply want to enjoy the next few days and enjoy the moment and the new experiences that will come my way.

My customers will be there when I get back!

If I want to experience and receive all that the Father has for me, then I need to live in rest, which think goes further than just taking time off from work, meaning living in a state of belief that the father is working out goodness for my life.
So I guess this all comes down to faith. Faith that god is who he says he is, able to hold up my life in all aspects and that I am looking to Him for all that I have, don’t have and yet to have. Simple huh.

I’m looking forward to a few days to clean out some of the cobwebs and shit that has been building up in my mind. Perspective of life in the forest and a birds eye view of the forest are both good. Right now i have a good idea of the forest, now for the birds eye view!

Thats all I have for now, looking forward to an amazing trip.
Peace out to me